In Part 1 of this episode on the most common causes of a Mormon faith crisis, Dr. John Dehlin, Margi Weber Dehlin, and Natasha Helfer Parker discuss the most common causes of a Mormon Faith Crisis.
- People for whom the church never really resonated, or ceased to resonate.
- Exposure to healthy/happy non-Mormons.
- Those who don’t fit within mainstream Mormon culture, including feminists, LGBTQ individuals, intellectuals, people of color, millennials, singles, divorced, mixed-faith families, and political liberals.
In Part 2 of this episode we cover:
- Those who develop sympathies for a discriminated minority group, usually close friend or family member.
- Those who experience some sort of abuse in a church context.
- Those who are exposed to historical or doctrinal problems that challenge the church’s truth claims.
To conclude this episode, we discuss a few other factors that can impact a faith crisis, including:
- The “privilege” of going through a faith crisis.
- Family factors
- Are you multi-generational Mormon from pioneer stock?
- Do you have parents, a spouse, or children who are orthodox?
- Do you depend on church attendance for your friends and community?
- Personality factors (Are you a believing personality? Do you value validity or utility more? Are you introverted vs. extroverted?)
- What is your age? (Younger are more likely to leave)
- Is your job dependent on church or church community?
- To what extent have you been conditioned by fear?
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 1
Part 2
I love you all! Thanks for touching on some great points!
I don’t know if you guys will ever know how much you have helped me! ❤❤❤❤